Scientific ASIA

Case Pattern Surveillance of Type 2 Diabetes in Indonesia

The diabetes mellitus cases are increasing yearly with the increasing world population. This increase in prevalence is related to the progressive transformation of a traditional lifestyle into a modern standard of living due to urbanization, the increase of obesity prevalence and the decrease of physical activity. Therefore, the incidence and prevalence of diabetes mellitus should be regularly monitored as this disease is progressively chronic and has potential negative impacts1.

The diabetes mellitus statistics at the Indonesian national level correspond to those at the regional level in Bone Regency, the research region chosen by researchers for a new study which aimed to analyze the surveillance of the case pattern of type 2 diabetes mellitus at 9 Local Government Clinics during the year 2016 in Bone Regency2.

One of the effective approaches to analyzing cases of diabetes mellitus is the use of Geographic Information System (GIS) technology. The GIS can be used as an important informational tool to obtain a more detailed analysis on the incidence and prevalence of diabetes mellitus using spatial analysis to assist government servants and stakeholders in planning and developing health policies in a more integrated, efficient and effective manner. The GIS provides more advantages, including; Measurement/inventory, mapping, monitoring and modeling3.

In order to assess the cases of diabetes mellitus in more detail, the implementation of a surveillance system should be capable of not only identifying the spatial distribution of the incidence and prevalence of diabetes mellitus at an aggregate level but should also identify it at an individual level. Hence, GIS can be used to identify the incidence and prevalence of diabetes mellitus, even at the individual level as the data of diabetes mellitus patients can be recorded to detect both the incidence and prevalence of diabetes mellitus.

The results of the spatial analysis of cases of type 2 diabetes mellitus based on the characteristics of age, gender and location demonstrated that Watampone, Kading and Ulaweng were classified as having a high number of cases of type 2 diabetes mellitus compared to other Local Government Clinics in Bone Regency

Regarding the surveillance pattern for cases of type 2 diabetes mellitus, patients >45-54 years old represented a greater number of cases of type 2 diabetes mellitus than patients <45-54 years old for the age characteristic. The number of cases of type 2 diabetes mellitus in the female group was higher than that in the male group for the gender characteristic.

The number of cases of type 2 diabetes mellitus for urban areas was higher than for rural areas for the location characteristic (density of population) and the number of cases of type 2 diabetes mellitus for January was higher than other months due to the change of year and short-term screening of sugar glucose.


Diabetes mellitus, surveillance, spatial pattern, location category, time period, GIS, Government Clinics in Bone Regency, Geographic Information System, Measurement/inventory, mapping, monitoring and modeling


  1. ISE., 2011. Consensus management and prevention of type 2 diabetes mellitus in Indonesia, PERKENI. Indonesian Society of Endocrinology (Perkeni).
  2. Masriadi, Jusni and Marsuki , 2017. Surveillance Pattern of Cases of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Bone Regency. Pak. J. Nutr., 16: 261-272.
  3. Alberti, K.G., P. Zimmet and J. Shaw, 2007. International diabetes federation: A consensus on Type 2 diabetes prevention. Diabet Med., 24: 451-463.

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